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Personal Term Deposits

Personal Term Deposits


% p.a.

7 month term

Earn a high fixed interest rate over the term of your choosing. On deposits of $10,000 or more - no fees.

Learn about ING term deposit accounts

A high interest rate guaranteed for the term. You choose the timeframe.


Why open a Personal Term Deposit?

  • Term deposit interest rates

    Get a high interest rate guaranteed for your timeframe of choice on deposits of $10,000 or more.

  • Pay no account fees

    With every cent deposited earning you interest, all your money gets the chance to grow.

  • Know your savings are guaranteed

    Combined savings balances up to $250,000 per customer are guaranteed by the Australian Government.

Open your Personal Term Deposit in minutes.
Rates and fees

Compare term deposit rates

Interest rates fixed for the term. Minimum opening deposit of $10,000.

Interest Rates

3 months (90 days)

4 months (120 days)

6 months (180 days)

7 months (210 days)

9 months (270 days)

11 months (330 days)

1 year (365 days)

2 year (730 days)

Open your Personal Term Deposit in minutes.
Maturity options

Options at maturity

Choose the automatic maturity option that best suits you. You can change it in online banking anytime up to 1 business day before maturity.

Renew term – principal and interest

Choose this option to renew your term deposit for the same time period using the original deposit amount as well as any earned interest.

Renew term – principal only

Choose this option to renew for the same period using the original deposit amount and transfer any earned interest to your linked account.

Close account

Choose this option to close your term deposit and transfer the original deposit amount and any earned interest to your linked bank account.

Early withdrawals

Early withdrawals

Because life changes your term deposit can too, please refer to the table below to identify the interest rate reduction that will apply if you choose to close your term deposit prior to the maturity date. To close your account before the maturity date, just give 31 days notice (except in the case of financial support) by calling 133 464.

Calculating your early withdrawal interest amount

Interest will be calculated from the date your account was opened to the date it is closed by applying the interest rate applicable on opening day less the following interest rate reduction.

Percentage of term elapsed at termination date
Interest rate reduction as percentage of your term deposit interest rate

0% to less than 20%


20% to less than 40%


40% to less than 60%


60% to less than 80%


80% to less than 100%



Got a question about Personal Term Deposits?

Chances are, you'll find the answer in our FAQs.

Here are some of the more common questions we get asked:

Open your Personal Term Deposit in minutes.
How to get started

Put your money to work

1. Open your term deposit

The fastest way to do this is online. In a few simple steps, you'll be ready to start saving. You can do it over the phone 24/7, too.

Open now

2. Choose your maturity option

Tell us what to do with your money when the term ends.

3. Grow your savings

Rollover your principal and interest to see your savings grow.

To open a Personal Term Deposit, you need a minimum deposit of $10,000.

You must be:

An account holder using the product for personal use (if it's for your business, see our Business Term Deposit account)

An Australian resident for taxation purposes

Aged 18 years or over

You'll need to give us:

An Australian residential address and telephone number

Linked bank account details to link to your term deposit account

A Tax File Number or exemption code (otherwise tax is deducted at the highest marginal rate)

An existing Client Number (if you're already with ING)

Ready? Sign up for a Personal Term Deposit now.